ok, rule number eight has been broken twice now on this blog which leads me to believe that we need to add a clause. So, from here on out rule #8 goes as follows: "when a blog is being run by more than one person there should never be two blog entries back to back written by the same author. (clause a) except in the case that one of the multiple bloggers is obviously more excited about the blog than the other potential bloggers." So, there you have it, and that is how an amendment is made... in a monarchy i guess.
I know some of you are looking forward to some more episodes of Kid Andy: Explorer of the Female Phsyche, but that will just have to wait for another post (i can't show all my cards at once, i have to keep you interested in my entries somehow).
my buddy (for anonymities sake we will just call him O Brown... no no that is too obvious-- Oliver B!)(thank you Simpsons for that one) is headed to Thailand right now. Thailand... THAILAND! Tailandia...thailandais...
ราชอาณาจักรไทย!!! and it would be an understatement to say that i want to skin him and wear his skin around and pretend im him so that i can go in his place. THAILAND! that is so cool. So, i was thinkin, this would rank right up there in my list of things to do before i die... which made me think "what is on that list" , which made me think of blogging Andy 's Top 25 Things to Do Before He Dies or Else He Will Wish He Hadn't've Died Yet List (AT25TDBHDEHWWHHDYL for short, or the AT25 for even shorter). This will most likely be spread out amongst many blog posts but i figured i'd start in no particular order.
Bobby Flay Dinner. If you don't know who Bobby Flay is my first suggestion is to watch the food newtwork channel... it doesn't matter what time cause he has like

four shows and chances are he will pop up in five minutes, regardless of what hour you are watching. second, i would suggest that you imagine all the Greek gods... all of them... now imagine they are all great cooks.... now imagine they all got cooked in a waffle iron to make One Great Cooking Greek God... now imagine this One Greek Cooking god goes up against Bobby Flay in an arm wrestling competion... now imagine Bobby Flay ripping this cuisine centered Greek god's arm off... now imagine Bobby Flay taking this dudes arm and throwing it on the grill with some sweet BBQ sauce... now imagine him serving you this Greek god's arm cooked with some south western seasoning... now imagine your face blowing up becasue it tasted so awesome. This is why i want to eat somethhing, ANYTHING, from Bobby Flay (by the way, that whole Greek god arm wrestling thing... true story.) Luckily he has restaurants which will make this wish a possibility if i ever wind up in New York.
Go to a European Soccer Match. i guess to be completely correct i should say i want to go to a European
football match. and to be more specific i would really

like to go to an English Premier Leaugue match. Not only would it just be awesome to feel decades of sports angst around me, but it would also hone my survival skills for some of my other life goals. If i could survive a european soccer game (ESG) then i can survive anything (i would never go to an italian game, no one survives those). When searching google for a picture that would illustrate just how dangerous a ESG would be i came across a picture of a three year old kid, who could probably beat me up, flipping the bird to the opposing team on the pitch with so much conviction i think it would have made Musilini blush. Needless to say this picture is inappropriate for our blog so i just settled on a picture of fans with bombs going off around them.
Well, those are two of my AT25s. looks like i have two blog series going on at once: "Kid Andy:Explorer of the Female Phsyche" and the "AT25". Lets see how well i can juggle this. and siblings, please make this blog more interesting than just the tragedy of Andy writing about girls and dreams and stuff. I think if this keeps up people will realize just how lonely and pitiful i am.